My Soul Dog

What is a soul dog?

According to the interweb, a “soul dog is a dog that you have a deep emotional connection to.” Some even say that spiritual connection between a soul dog and his person makes for a different level of communication-one that doesn’t need words.

If you’ve been lucky enough to share your life with a soul dog then you know how much you are willing to do to give them their best life.

I have been lucky enough to have two soul dogs. Kodi was a trouble-making mixed breed who left me too soon, and Murphy’s Law is my forever dog, who defied a terminal cancer diagnosis three years ago and is living his way towards his 17th birthday.

My career has taken me many places, from Veterinary Technician to Registered Dietitian to Ayurveda Wellness Coach and yoga teacher to Certified Pet Nutritionist. It may seem like a winding road, but ironically it’s all been inspired by the dogs in my life and a desire to help humans and their pets to live full, healthy, and vibrant lives.

My Murphy has been my rock, my walking partner, yoga mat warmer, and recipe taste-tester. He’s been the magic in my life and my reason for getting out of bed on the tough days. He’s the best part of my life, my best friend, my soul dog.

Every dog should get the best life possible, and sometimes us humans get confused and overwhelmed trying to make that happen. This is my super power- helping dogs (and their people) live full, rich, and healthy lives through alternative nutrition and wellness strategies.

You’re in the right place if you want time-tested, evidence based support for your dog to be the best version of himself (herself) through natural remedies, herbs, nutrition, and holistic lifestyle planning. What’s good for the people is also good for the dogs- balanced nutrition, personalized wellness planning, daily movement, and a clean lifestyle.

The formula for your soul dog is simple:

Nutrition. Ayurveda. Yoga. Love.

It’s my mission to educate, support, and nourish the relationship between dogs and their people.